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Cheese + Gin Pairing Guide

Did you know there's 2 main methods to pairing food and/or drinks?

1. Mirror: pick out the predominant flavour qualities of an element and identify food/drinks to mimic these flavours.
2. Contrast: Find the missing piece to the flavour puzzle: something that will complement but bring relief or reprise to the palate + give balance.
The main thing to remember is that there's no wrong answer, so have fun trying different combos!

A few of our fave combos:
The Journey gin + a creamy blue cheese
Strong piney juniper and a hint of spice from the muntries contrasts the creaminess of the cheese and cut through the salty mould. The Journey is distilled with pink lady apples which as a lovely sweetness to counteract the cheese
Suburban gin + a hard cheese with chilli/fennel seed
Fennel and chill are a delicious combo! Being quite a bold flavoured gin, it will compliment firmer texture of a semi-aged cheese and the bite of the chilli/fennel.

The Elixir + a fresh Ricotta or goat's curd
Fresh and creamy with a neutral flavour, fresh ricotta will be a great compliment to the sweet honey and zesty lemon of The Elixir.

All Seasons + a washed rind cheese
The autumnal spices of the All Seasons will complement the nutty and earthy flavour of a washed rind; the dark smokey honey we use to sweeten will also compliment the buttery texture of the cheese.

Cheese + Gin Pairing Guide
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